The polish property market was at its
peak back in 2002 and 2007 but continuously dropping after that with weaker
sales, which led them to face Finance Crisis and falling prices but after 6
years of pain it begin to rise again in 2014. In 2013 analysts recorded a good increasing
numbers with residential volumes in sales over this rise the residential and
office building prices are back to the prices that they have in 2005. It grew
about 20% for the sales of number of apartments sold all over the Poland by
2013 compared to last year’s sales. This number of sales is doubled with
reduced supply it simply means all units available for sale on the market by
end of 2013 had gotten lowest but the prices are remained the same in Poland which
will expected to increase by 4% till end of the year.

News Source said “Real estate as an investment has also returned to the fore. At the end of the boom years, it made little sense to buy property in Krakow – prices were high and destined to fall while rental yields had fallen so much (in some cases, below 3%) that it was wiser to keep cash in a bank savings account. Fast-forward 6 or 7 years and Polish interest rates are at an all-time low, making it hard to achieve 3% from a bank, while lower capital values of real estate and slightly increased rents mean that residential rental yields of over 5% are once again feasible. Factor in the potential for slow but steady capital growth of 3% – 4% per year and total returns may even be closer to 10%.”

But still the famous leading housing market is China. Shanghai has gotten doubled market share then the last year which also indicated that the China Still leads the real estate market. As for Poland several Chinese businessman have bargained for polish housing market which gives them a good profit.
Here is the Out line of 2010's Housing Market Of Poland
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